BLOG TOUR: Carissa Ann Lynch "Have you seen this girl" @Carissaannlynch
Author: Carissa Ann Lynch
Series: Flocksdale Files #1
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Wendi Wise is a troubled young woman who snorts her breakfast through a straw and spends more time in rehab than in the real world…
Her life is seemingly out of control.
But now she has a plan.
That plan involves a sharp set of butcher knives.
She's going back to where all of her troubles began…
Wendi was lured away from a local skating rink, at the age of thirteen, and held captive in a place she calls 'The House of Horrors.' Dumped off blindfolded on the side of a dirt road, Wendi soon discovered that she was addicted to the drugs they fed her while she was captive.
Too scared to go home, and having a new habit to deal with, she hopped on a bus, vanishing from the family she loved.
Vanishing from Flocksdale…
The town of Flocksdale is littered with fliers with a grainy image of young Wendi, and the words 'Have You Seen This Girl?' written below.
Now, eight years later, she's on a mission—a mission to find the mysterious house from her youth and the monsters who dwell inside it.
“This is the end, beautiful friend, the end…”
★ Kindle:
★ Paperback:
- Available for FREE with #KindleUnlimited -
Besides my family, my greatest love in life is books. Reading them, writing them, holding them, smelling them…well, you get the idea. I’ve always loved to read, and some of my earliest childhood memories are me, tucked away in my room, lost in a good book. I received a five dollar allowance each week, and I always — always — spent it on books. My love affair with writing started early, but it mostly involved journaling and writing silly poems. Several years ago, I didn’t have a book to read so I decided on a whim to write my own story, something I’d like to read. It turned out to be harder than I thought, but from that point on I was hooked. My first and second books were released by Sarah Book Publishing: This Is Not About Love and Grayson’s Ridge. I’m a total genre-hopper. Basically, I like to write what I like to read: a little bit of everything! I reside in Floyds Knobs, Indiana with my husband, three children, and massive collection of books. I have a degree in psychology and worked as a counselor.
May I introduce: Rue Allen "Knight Errant" #MFRWAuthor
Iris, thank you very much for this chance to share a snippet of Knight
Errant with you and your readers.
had failed to dent her serene armor. Worse, he had committed himself to a
troublesome and unnecessary journey to Palermo. How had she done it? Without
saying a word, Juliana had somehow bent his will to hers, and he had not even
gotten her clear promise to return to England.
studied her shining calm. His father had worn a similar serenity. Robert had
adored the man’s good-natured control. Control that cloaked an evil too great
to tolerate, even in a beloved parent.

bad Palermo lay more than a month distant and the same back again. ’Twas more
weeks of traveling with her serenity than he wanted to risk. But risk it he
must. He could not simply ignore her. Before they reached Palermo, he had to
convince Juliana to return to England. Saint Swithan’s shroud! How he was to
accomplish that without setting hands on her, he did not know.
medieval woman needs a weapon, Juliana Verault’s sharpest blade is her smile,
but Robert Clarwyn soon realizes how to get under the lady’s guard. For more
about Knight Errant and my other books I provide a blurb and links
Lady Juliana Verault gladly left England—and its men—far behind in
her quest to live as a Beguine. But the Christian community ceases to provide a
safe haven when she’s called to travel to Palermo, Italy, where she’s entrusted
with a letter from the pope that could radically change the church’s stance on
women. Juliana holds the key to upending the power structure throughout Europe,
but only if she can dodge her cousin, King Edward I of England, and his
betrothal plans for her.
sets Sir Robert Clarwyn, a knight errant and loyal hunter of criminals and
traitors, on Juliana’s trail to retrieve her. Robert has never failed to bring
home his target before … but then, he has never encountered a quarry like Lady
Juliana, who can befuddle and bemuse him with just a smile.
If he
can’t find a way to compel her to return to England, he’ll lose any chance of
regaining his family lands and redeeming his heritage. Yet Juliana must
complete her mission or risk endangering her gender’s future in the faith.
With danger and intrigue mounting,
Robert and Juliana must rely on each other and be willing to risk everything …
including their hearts.
Amazon: Errant-Rue-Allyn-ebook/dp/ B013KYA1R4/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8& qid=1439005629&sr=8-7& keywords=knight+errant or
Author of historical, contemporary and
erotic romances, I fell in love with happily ever after the
day I heard my first story. (Yes, I was a precocious little brat who read at
the age of two, but I could hear much earlier than that.) I studied literature
for far too many years before discovering that writing stories was much more
fun than analyzing them. Heck, as an author, I get to read the story before
anyone else. I am happily married to my sweetheart of many, many years. My
husband and I share the home of two cats, who condescend to allow me to feed
them and clean their litter box. (The cats only tolerate my husband's
assistance when I am not available.)They occasionally permit me to pet them but
demand my love and attention as their right. (Funny, my husband demands the
same. Could I be married to my cats? Does that make me a trigamist?) Regardless
of my specific relationship status with our cats, I am in awe of their feline
ability to dominate with half a glance or a mere twitch of tail. Insatiably
curious, an avid reader and traveler, I love to hear from readers about your
favorite books and real life adventures. Crazy Cat stories are especially
welcome. You can send me your words of wisdom... Don't shake your head at me;
all words are wise in one context or another. You can trust me on this; I'm an
author. As I was saying, you can send your words of wisdom, humor, and
friendship to me at Can't wait to hear from you.
#MFRWHooks for ~~I think I love you~~ 16/09/15 #amreading #Reading
"Book Hook" Day
May I 'hook' you on "I think I love you"
my latest release in the Australian Sport Stars series?
"I think I love you"
is set in Melbourne, in the wonderful country of Australia.
I hope you get hooked by this Snippet
Markus DeLeon and Sarah Winter’s lives couldn’t be more different… After three years away as the goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus has been happy to be back in Australia. He’d missed his family and friends, including Sarah. He’s known her since childhood, and often protected her from the teasing of other children and the troubling consequences of a broken home.
When they attend their friends’ wedding, a new light is cast on their friendship… Sarah is fresh out of a bad relationship, and Markus has always been the one she can confide in. Maybe it’s the magic of the wedding—or how stunning he looks in a tux—but the attraction between them intensifies in ways they’d never imagined.
But sometimes when risking what you have, you might lose everything… Following a passionate encounter, Markus isn’t sure how to handle this new aspect of his relationship with Sarah, and literally flees the scene for the coast. Sarah is unsure how to react to his sudden departure, but is soon knocked off course by misunderstandings and a frightening family emergency.
Markus realises his mistake and wants to make things right, but he also faces obstacles. He’s been offered an exciting new job, and an attractive newcomer to the neighbourhood is eager to claim his attention, though the last thing Markus needs is another confusing relationship.
Can Sarah and Markus face the fear and doubt—and the potential loss of their lifelong friendship—to give their love a chance?
Markus DeLeon and Sarah Winter’s lives couldn’t be more different… After three years away as the goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus has been happy to be back in Australia. He’d missed his family and friends, including Sarah. He’s known her since childhood, and often protected her from the teasing of other children and the troubling consequences of a broken home.
When they attend their friends’ wedding, a new light is cast on their friendship… Sarah is fresh out of a bad relationship, and Markus has always been the one she can confide in. Maybe it’s the magic of the wedding—or how stunning he looks in a tux—but the attraction between them intensifies in ways they’d never imagined.
But sometimes when risking what you have, you might lose everything… Following a passionate encounter, Markus isn’t sure how to handle this new aspect of his relationship with Sarah, and literally flees the scene for the coast. Sarah is unsure how to react to his sudden departure, but is soon knocked off course by misunderstandings and a frightening family emergency.
Markus realises his mistake and wants to make things right, but he also faces obstacles. He’s been offered an exciting new job, and an attractive newcomer to the neighbourhood is eager to claim his attention, though the last thing Markus needs is another confusing relationship.
Can Sarah and Markus face the fear and doubt—and the potential loss of their lifelong friendship—to give their love a chance?

Today's hook
Without her.
She couldn’t believe it. Her chance to meet someone from the football scene, and she was
leaving because of a stinking headache. She was cursed to end up old and on her own.
An hour and a little snooze in a car later, they arrived in front of her place. Her little house which
she was so proud of. At least something that she had achieved in life. Fair enough, Markus had helped her when she’d hit financial problems, but it was a success that nobody in her family had been able to accomplish.
At least if she’d grow old alone, she’d do it owning a house. A smile lingered on her lips.
Markus got out of the car and opened the passenger door for her.
“Thank you,” she whispered. Then she leaned forward, quickly slipped into her shoes, before she got out and walked to the front door. The sound of Markus’ steps told her that he was following. Half of her appreciated his thought of making sure she was safe, the other half was too tired to care or think. She rubbed her eyes with the ball of her hand before she turned and met Markus’ eyes.“Thank you, Marky,” she said softly. “Thanks for taking me home.”
Nodding, he came closer, took the key from her, and unlocked the door. “Have a good snooze, baby.
He took her hand and excused himself while getting through the crowd. No way was the party
nearly over. Rather the opposite, she thought. This party was about to warm up.Without her.
She couldn’t believe it. Her chance to meet someone from the football scene, and she was
leaving because of a stinking headache. She was cursed to end up old and on her own.
And that thought hurt.
It was a short walk to his car. Sarah relished the feel of fresh air against her face. A breeze off the
ocean sent a sudden chill down her back. Sensing it, Markus put an arm around her shoulder.An hour and a little snooze in a car later, they arrived in front of her place. Her little house which
she was so proud of. At least something that she had achieved in life. Fair enough, Markus had helped her when she’d hit financial problems, but it was a success that nobody in her family had been able to accomplish.
At least if she’d grow old alone, she’d do it owning a house. A smile lingered on her lips.
Markus got out of the car and opened the passenger door for her.
“Thank you,” she whispered. Then she leaned forward, quickly slipped into her shoes, before she got out and walked to the front door. The sound of Markus’ steps told her that he was following. Half of her appreciated his thought of making sure she was safe, the other half was too tired to care or think. She rubbed her eyes with the ball of her hand before she turned and met Markus’ eyes.“Thank you, Marky,” she said softly. “Thanks for taking me home.”
And call me in the morning.”
She bit her lip and took the keys. “I will,” she replied.
Sarah had to close her eyes for a moment. The situation was so unfamiliar to her that she needed a second to refocus. It wasn’t unusual for Markus to give her a lift home and drop her off at the door, but it was unusual for her to have every nerve in her body responding to his nearness. Somehow, his
familiar scent affected her tonight, and she had no idea why. She even had to lock her knees to
withstand the look in his eyes.
And before she knew it, her mouth was on his.
☆ new release ☆
5 Stars
Book #3 of the Australian Sport Series - also the one I enjoyed the most :) Their love story is not your regular "thrills" one - you know, the one with shivers top to bottom and bottom to top - at the first sight :) It's a beautiful story about the friendship, strong and true, turning slowly into some profound feelings. They do not realize it at first, then they do not want to realize that, finally they are too scared to admit it... :) But it gets them anyways :D
Snippet Sunday - JOURNEY TO HER DREAMS 13/09/2015 #romance #amreading #dreams #Ireland
Click here if you'd like to read Fresh Beginnings, or shoot me an email if you'd love to review
the book.
JOURNEY TO HER DREAMS was re-released early August and
has enjoyed another full edit and an awesome new cover.
has enjoyed another full edit and an awesome new cover.
Here's another little snippet.
Alex had lost the toss to drive into town that night, and she
was about to pick up Hollie, who was still wrapped in her bath
towel, considering, choosing, and still not knowing what to wear
for the night.
She went back into the bathroom and applied her makeup.
Hollie always made sure she didn’t use too much, just enough for
her bright blue eyes to stand out. She checked in the mirror and
smiled as she remembered her dad’s words: You’re cute as a button.
“What on earth does that mean, Dad?” she would ask him in
a sulky voice.
He would point at her mother’s photo and say, “Just like
your mother: a pretty young woman, with lovely golden hair, a
neat figure, and a twinkle in both eyes.” And, as he touched her
nose with his finger, he added, “A small nose, and a smile that
lights up everyone’s world.”
Buy Links:
Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
May I introduce: Barbara White D'aille "Rancher at Risk" @BarbaraWDaille
big thanks to Iris for inviting me back to the blog! I’m sharing a short
excerpt from Rancher at Risk. This is
onHone of my Flagman’s Folly
stories. Though it includes characters from other books in the series, each
book stands alone.
you enjoy the peek!
From the cover of Rancher at Risk:
A Fresh Start
After the loss of his family in a tragic
accident, Ryan Malloy has been given one last chance to change his life. His
boss sends him to Flagman's Folly, New Mexico, to run his ranch, but
unfortunately, Ryan's troubled attitude lands him in hot water with the locals,
especially the ranch's manager, Lianne Ward.

Forced to work together, Lianne and Ryan discover an
unexpected attraction beneath their quarreling. But will Ryan's painful past
drive them apart…permanently?
Despite her good intentions to watch for Ryan, he
seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"Oh, hi."
The tightness of her throat told her she hadn't managed a casual tone at
all. She tried again. "Want a brownie?"
He couldn't mask his surprise—not one from someone
who depended on reading expressions the way she did. Yet even with a lifetime of experience, she
couldn't quite decipher the look in his eyes.
"Yeah," he said finally. "If the coffee's on offer, too, I'll go
grab an extra mug."
He left the room and she rolled her eyes and told
herself to get a grip. Except she
already had one on the magazine she was crumpling in her fingers. Immediately, she forced her hands to
relax. This was a simple snack. He wasn't a date. She could act like a rational woman.
As if?
She fanned herself with the magazine.
Yes, he had come in and showered earlier, then gone
out to the bunkhouse for dinner with the cowboys. He had done that every night this week. But this was the first time he had changed
into shorts no larger than a scrap of denim and a faded blue T-shirt that clung
like the plastic wrap she'd had covering the pan of brownies.
Rancher at Risk can
be found at:
Barbara White
lives with her husband in the sunny Southwestern U.S. Though they love the warm
winters and the lizards in their front yard, they haven’t gotten used to the scorpions
in the bathroom.
she was very young, Barbara learned from her mom about the storytelling magic
in books—and she’s been hooked ever since. She hopes you will enjoy reading her
books and will find your own magic in them!
new series, The Hitching Post Hotel, features a matchmaking grandpa determined
to see his three granddaughters wed. The series began in April 2015 with The Cowboy’s Little Surprise and
continues with A Rancher of Her Own
in July and The Lawman’s Christmas
Proposal in December.
She loves to chat with readers, and you can find her
and learn more about her books at the following locations:
Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Newsletter ~ Blog
#MFRWHooks for ~~I think I love you~~ 09/09/15 #amreading #Reading
"Book Hook" Day
May I 'hook' you on "I think I love you"
my latest release in the Australian Sport Stars series?
"I think I love you"
is set in Melbourne, in the wonderful country of Australia.
I hope you get hooked by this Snippet
Markus DeLeon and Sarah Winter’s lives couldn’t be more different… After three years away as the goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus has been happy to be back in Australia. He’d missed his family and friends, including Sarah. He’s known her since childhood, and often protected her from the teasing of other children and the troubling consequences of a broken home.
When they attend their friends’ wedding, a new light is cast on their friendship… Sarah is fresh out of a bad relationship, and Markus has always been the one she can confide in. Maybe it’s the magic of the wedding—or how stunning he looks in a tux—but the attraction between them intensifies in ways they’d never imagined.
But sometimes when risking what you have, you might lose everything… Following a passionate encounter, Markus isn’t sure how to handle this new aspect of his relationship with Sarah, and literally flees the scene for the coast. Sarah is unsure how to react to his sudden departure, but is soon knocked off course by misunderstandings and a frightening family emergency.
Markus realises his mistake and wants to make things right, but he also faces obstacles. He’s been offered an exciting new job, and an attractive newcomer to the neighbourhood is eager to claim his attention, though the last thing Markus needs is another confusing relationship.
Can Sarah and Markus face the fear and doubt—and the potential loss of their lifelong friendship—to give their love a chance?
Markus DeLeon and Sarah Winter’s lives couldn’t be more different… After three years away as the goalkeeper for an English soccer club, Markus has been happy to be back in Australia. He’d missed his family and friends, including Sarah. He’s known her since childhood, and often protected her from the teasing of other children and the troubling consequences of a broken home.
When they attend their friends’ wedding, a new light is cast on their friendship… Sarah is fresh out of a bad relationship, and Markus has always been the one she can confide in. Maybe it’s the magic of the wedding—or how stunning he looks in a tux—but the attraction between them intensifies in ways they’d never imagined.
But sometimes when risking what you have, you might lose everything… Following a passionate encounter, Markus isn’t sure how to handle this new aspect of his relationship with Sarah, and literally flees the scene for the coast. Sarah is unsure how to react to his sudden departure, but is soon knocked off course by misunderstandings and a frightening family emergency.
Markus realises his mistake and wants to make things right, but he also faces obstacles. He’s been offered an exciting new job, and an attractive newcomer to the neighbourhood is eager to claim his attention, though the last thing Markus needs is another confusing relationship.
Can Sarah and Markus face the fear and doubt—and the potential loss of their lifelong friendship—to give their love a chance?

Today's hook
She stood and saw Oliver come over. “Please don’t tell him,” she whispered.
“What’s up?” Oliver asked.
“Saz drowned her sorrow in some red last night after finding out Timmy cheated on her,” Markus explained.
Sarah slapped him against his chest. “I asked you not to say anything,” she said through gritted teeth.
Markus cocked an eyebrow. “I thought you meant the chocolate.”
Oliver laughed and pulled Sarah into a hug. “I told you—”
“Don’t say it,” she mumbled against his chest.
“You should try—”
Sarah placed a finger on his lips. “Just tell the happy couple congratulations, and I’ll catch up with them when they get back from their honeymoon.”
“You really are out of it, sweet pea. They left about half an hour ago.”
She sighed again. “Even better. I don’t have to feel guilty.”
Oliver placed a kiss on Sarah’s forehead.
“Honey, you’d better go and have a dance with Tamara,” she whispered. “I know you two have issues, but try to put it aside. She seems a bit lonely.”
He followed her gaze before he said, “Hope you feel better soon.”
She nodded and then followed Markus towards the doors. Again, she noticed how sensational he looked in that tuxedo, the white shirt, and the dark grey tie. His blond hair was cut short and the usual slight wave was gone. She liked it when his hair was a bit longer. It gave him that mischievous look that she’d known since childhood. That same look in his blue eyes that had radiated trouble fifteen years ago, when he’d taken her hand and led her to the top of a diving board with the words Let’s go flying.
She stood and saw Oliver come over. “Please don’t tell him,” she whispered.
“What’s up?” Oliver asked.
“Saz drowned her sorrow in some red last night after finding out Timmy cheated on her,” Markus explained.
Sarah slapped him against his chest. “I asked you not to say anything,” she said through gritted teeth.
Markus cocked an eyebrow. “I thought you meant the chocolate.”
Oliver laughed and pulled Sarah into a hug. “I told you—”
“Don’t say it,” she mumbled against his chest.
“You should try—”
Sarah placed a finger on his lips. “Just tell the happy couple congratulations, and I’ll catch up with them when they get back from their honeymoon.”
“You really are out of it, sweet pea. They left about half an hour ago.”
She sighed again. “Even better. I don’t have to feel guilty.”
Oliver placed a kiss on Sarah’s forehead.
“Honey, you’d better go and have a dance with Tamara,” she whispered. “I know you two have issues, but try to put it aside. She seems a bit lonely.”
He followed her gaze before he said, “Hope you feel better soon.”
She nodded and then followed Markus towards the doors. Again, she noticed how sensational he looked in that tuxedo, the white shirt, and the dark grey tie. His blond hair was cut short and the usual slight wave was gone. She liked it when his hair was a bit longer. It gave him that mischievous look that she’d known since childhood. That same look in his blue eyes that had radiated trouble fifteen years ago, when he’d taken her hand and led her to the top of a diving board with the words Let’s go flying.
☆ new release ☆
5 Stars
Book #3 of the Australian Sport Series - also the one I enjoyed the most :) Their love story is not your regular "thrills" one - you know, the one with shivers top to bottom and bottom to top - at the first sight :) It's a beautiful story about the friendship, strong and true, turning slowly into some profound feelings. They do not realize it at first, then they do not want to realize that, finally they are too scared to admit it... :) But it gets them anyways :D
Snippet Sunday - JOURNEY TO HER DREAMS 06/09/2015 #romance #amreading #dreams #Ireland
I thought I tease you all by leaving you hanging with the question whether
Ivy and Jared meet up again or not.
Click here if you're desperate to find out, or shoot me an email if you'd love to review
the book.
Ivy and Jared meet up again or not.
Click here if you're desperate to find out, or shoot me an email if you'd love to review
the book.
JOURNEY TO HER DREAMS was re-released early August.
Honestly, I was quite nervous going back re-visiting the story,
nervous about the editing process for the new edition.
I can't believe how much I've learnt and how much I've -hopefully- grown as a writer
over the last few years.
Honestly, I was quite nervous going back re-visiting the story,
nervous about the editing process for the new edition.
I can't believe how much I've learnt and how much I've -hopefully- grown as a writer
over the last few years.
TO HER DREAMS has enjoyed another full edit and an awesome new cover.
Here a little snippet.
Hollie paced through the rooms, but for the life of her, she couldn’t find her phone. She rushed through her little apartment, which was upstairs in the attic of the farmhouse just outside Launceston, a small town in Australia. Seventh ring and she stumbled over her shoes to reach it on the couch.
“Hello?” she answered out of breath.
“Hi, it’s Alex here. Lost the phone again, didn’t you?”
“I sort of had a feeling it would be you who kicked me out of bed at this unearthly hour of the day,” Hollie said, holding back a yawn.
“So tell me,” Alex begged her friend. “What happened? I want to know every tiny little detail.”
Hollie laughed, though she didn’t feel like it at all. In fact, the previous night had been a bit of a disaster, to say the least.
Thanks for all your comments,
I do appreciate each single one of them!
May I introduce: @KathleenLBosman "The Dance of the Firefly"
The Dance of the Firefly
Kathy Bosman

Rowena loves to dance but has ended up teaching ballet instead. When she helps out Cameron's difficult daughter, a bond develops between the two dancers. Cameron makes Rowena uncomfortable because he stirs up new, unwanted feelings which make no sense when he intends to leave Zambia soon when his contract ends.
Cameron can't resist sanguine live-wire Rowena who makes his daughter smile for the first time in years. But can he risk his heart again when memories of his late wife come back to haunt him? And Rowena has a lot more at stake in giving her all.
She'd expected him to disappear. Instead, she jumped as a shadow appeared in front of her. The man stood a foot from her. Close up, his presence seemed to permeate her. For a brief moment, her gnawing sorrow vanished, and attraction surged in like a current of potent goodness. His features were clear-cut yet contrasting: bronzed skin against almost ginger hair. It could pass for golden brown. Speckles of day-old matching beard. Light brown eyes like the earth near Lake Kariba. Sturdy posture, straight and purposeful. Broad shoulders. Strength she could rely on at this time.
She pushed the crazy thoughts away.
His expression had changed to almost lost. Patience settled upon her, sweet and refreshing after days of pure irritation at everything that moved.
"Maybe you could help Jamey."
"I'm sorry?"
He raked his fingers through his hair. There was anxiety there. Suffering. She took her leg down to give him her full attention.
"What could I do?"
"You could give her extra lessons."
"I'm full up already, Mr. Hosking. I don't have time…."
"Jamey loves to dance. Her late mother was a ballet dancer. It's her only connection with her."
Late mother! Rowena's lungs drained of air. Oh, how she could identify with her pain. Although her mother's death was recent, only six days ago, and she wasn't a child, she suddenly wanted to hug Jamey and fill her heart with love to take away the lonely hopelessness. How could she have been so impatient with the child? No wonder she was so restless. The recital had become more important than the children. Creating a good image for her studio to increase the size of her classes had taken precedence over putting something into the ones she had.
He peered into her frozen face. "I'll pay you double the price of a normal lesson. Please."
She nodded. "I will. Of course."
He instinctively grabbed her hand. "You won't regret it. Jamey's a very bright child, and she's crazy about you."
Her insides shuddered, and her toes curled at the simple contact. His hand was warm, and he squeezed a little too hard, but suddenly she wished he would keep it there. But he didn't.
He laughed. "Yes. She says you're so beautiful, like her mommy. You do look a bit like her." His eyes became dreamy and distant, as though a lifetime of memories passed through his mind.
A pang shot through her. Imagine a man like him loving her with the intensity he directed toward his late wife? What a selfish thought. He was still grieving.
After supper, Jamey pulled Rowena down the passage.
"Wow," she said. "What a pretty room." She wasn't just saying it. Cameron had put everything into his daughter's space: Disney Princess curtains and matching duvet set, with fluffy soft toys displayed on floating shelves shaped as crowns. In the corner sat a four-poster, with a pink net cascading down the sides, a requirement in Zambia to keep malaria mosquitoes away at night. The nets were inconvenient, but Cameron had used hers to add a dreamy effect.
"Even your mosquito net has lacy edges," she said, picking up a corner and fingering the sturdy lace. "Where did you get it?"
"My daddy asked a lady to make it girly."
"He's very kind."
"Look at my Barbie dolls. I have three ballerina ones. This one…." Her voice went quiet, almost reverent. "My mommy bought me this one a few months before she died. Her legs and arms bend, and she has a second pair of ballet shoes. Some black ones."
"Now that's pretty. I love black ballet shoes."
"I did my first principal role with black ballet shoes. I was the bad witch in a show we danced in."
Jamey stared at her. "Why did you want to be the witch?"
She suppressed a laugh. "I didn't want to be a bad person, but the role was the hardest, and I considered it a privilege to be chosen."
"Did you get a curtain call?"
"We all did. My teacher did a great job in writing the story and choreographing the ballet steps for us. The dance was so popular, we even did it in front of the president of Zambia."
"Wow. My mommy used to dance in front of thousands of people. She was very popular."
"What was her name?"
"She used her old name for her ballet name. Samantha Palmer."
"Oh." Rowena swallowed a lump in her throat. Samantha Palmer had been a well-known prima ballerina who danced for the South African Ballet Theatre, now called the South African Msanzi Ballet Company. She should know. She'd tried to get in there, with no success. Samantha had been one of her idols. The most graceful, delicate dancer she'd ever watched. Her role in Romeo and Juliet had been the highlight of her career, giving her international recognition. That had been five years ago. How long ago had she died? How had she died?
"Your mommy was a very talented dancer. You must have inherited some of her talent."
"You think so?" Jamey asked. "It's hard, though."
"Trying to dance like her."
Her breath hitched. The girl had a difficult act to follow.
"You don't have to dance like her. You must dance your own way. Everyone has his or her own style. You need to work on your strengths and concentrate on what you can do."
Jamey nodded. "But Daddy misses watching Mommy. I've seen him play her ballets on the DVD player all through the night. If I could dance like her, maybe Daddy would be happy again."
She suppressed a gasp. No wonder the kid had hated her ballet lessons. The pressure had been enormous on her.
"Your daddy is happy with you being a child and having fun. You don't have to be too serious with your ballet, yet. It takes years to learn how to dance like your mother did."
She nodded, her lips quivering.
"Your mommy would have wanted you to enjoy ballet. She wouldn't want it to be something hard and too serious."
"I suppose."
"And it's not your mommy's ballet Daddy misses," she said, taking Jamey into her arms and giving her a tight squeeze. "It's her company at home. He watches her so he can remember her as a person."
Jamey's face was wet with tears.
"I'm sorry your mommy died." Rowena wiped a tear away with her hand. "My mommy died a few days ago. I miss her so much." She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I can imagine how you must miss her, being a kid."
"I do."
"But your daddy loves you whole bunches. He cares for you deeply."
Jamey jumped off her lap and grabbed a puzzle. "This is my favorite. It's of a hedgehog and a mole."
"It's cute." Rowena was relieved to get away from the difficult subject of her deceased mother. She couldn't bear to see how much it hurt Jamey not to have her mother with her. As much as she hated being without her mom, at least she'd had her growing up.
"We can make the jigsaw on the table in the lounge while the others watch rugby. I can hear them all cheering in there." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Don't tell anyone, but I hate rugby."
The girl giggled. "Me, too."
She linked pinky fingers with Jamey. "Perfect. Then we can build the picture together and pretend to watch. Okay?"
The child nodded, the box gripped in her arms, her eyes shining. The smile came back, and Rowena let out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding. How could she become so attached to a kid so quickly? Something weird had happened. From worst student to tiny friend, a miracle had occurred. How could she push her new little friend away because her father made her feel uncomfortable—and too aware of her womanhood?
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