
Kerstin Gier - Die Muetter Mafia

Publisher: Bastei Luebbe Verlag

ISBN: 978-3404152964

Language: German

My rating: 2/5

Deutschland sucht die Super-Mami! Es gibt sie, die perfekten Mamis und Bilderbuch-Mütter, die sich nur über Kochrezepte, Klavierlehrer und Kinderfrauen austauschen. Doch eigentlich sind sie der Albtraum jeder Vorstadtsiedlung. Dagegen hilft nur eins. Sich zusammenrotten und eine kreative Gegenbewegung gründen: die »Mütter-Mafia«! Ab jetzt müssen sich alle braven Muttertiere warm anziehen (

My thoughts

Okay - this is a German book I got from my friend. Literally translated: The Mothers' Mafia.

Not sure about his one. It's about Constanze, whose husband has told her that he doesn't love her anymore and now she's moved into his late mother's house with her two children. That's when it all starts - she gets to know and to like her new neighbour Mimi and Anne, her son's best friend's mother.

All three of them are now taking over Constanze's life, by redecorating the house she's just moved in and organising a lawyer, who ends up as her date as well.

I didn't really like the book. It was flat, the humour was old and the bitching and biting by all of the mums at the kindergarten wasn’t funny, but made me feel odd to say the least that there are people thinking – even though as just a story - this could be funny !

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