
Kerstin Gier - Luegen, die von Herzen kommen

Publisher:  Bastei Luebbe Verlag

ISBN: 978-3404162369

My rating: 2/5

Hanna hat keinen Freund. Und sie hat die klassische Eieruhrfigur. Zu beidem steht sie. Trotzdem muss man Letzteres ja nicht gleich in die Cyberwelt hinausposaunen. Prompt lernt sie beim Chatten “Boris” kennen, endlich den Mann, der all das zu haben scheint, was Hanna sich wünscht. Beim Online-Partnerschaftstest erreicht er 397 von 400 Punkten. Einem Real-Date steht nichts mehr im Weg. Wäre da nicht der neue Chef. Der ist nämlich sehr viel charmanter als zunächst vermutet und ein ernsthafter Konkurrent für den 397-Punkte-Mann aus der Chat-Runde … (

My thougths

This one is now the last book by Kerstin Gier on my desk! So after having read most of her books, I've got to say, I'm glad I've read them but also glad I don't have to struggle through any more.

The story actually surprised me a tad. Hannah, the main protagonist, works for a girls' magazine. Her new boss assigned the subject "chat room love / relationships" to her as her next article - and that's how she gets to "chat" to Boris.

The issues in this story are quite interesting: internet dating and ones weight and I applaud Hannah the way she deals with them with bravour.  But the rest of the story is long and here and there the characters are again stretched in their stereotypes - as the previous books.
Also - everyone keeps telling me it might sound more realistic, I'm not so sure though, but I thought some of the word choices are somewhat inappropriate or even vulgar.


  1. Thanks for sharing your review. Internet dating is certainly a current topic, so I'll bet that part would be interesting anyway.

  2. Thanks, Susan. Yes it could've been .... but in my view the idea wasn't well translated into a nice story
