
Janet Evanovich - Naughty Neighbor

Publisher:  Harper Collins

ISBN: 9780060598921

My Rating: 2/5

Trouble in His Eyes and in His Wicked Grin...

He was a handsome hell-raiser, a reckless crusader in low-slung jeans - and he was driving Louisa Brannigan crazy! Pete Streeter made terrible coffee, snatched her newspaper, and listened through her walls, but it wasn't until she got fired from her government job that she was persuaded to join his undercover investigation - and became hopelessly entangled with the sexiest man she'd ever met!

Love on the Lam
Sneaking around in the shadows was more fun than Louisa ever imagined... especially when the getaway car was a Porsche. Pete never figured on finding a partner in crime who tasted like dessert, but Louisa was all he wanted in a woman - and more. Once he'd taught Louisa to enjoy living on the edge, would she finally feel safe in his love?  (

My thoughts
I'm not really sure what to say. I have no idea what the "pig" story was all about, I got fed up with all the "inner thoughts" by both, Louisa and Pete half way through the book - it felt repetitious, AND it wasn't really near as funny as most of the other Evanovich stories. Bottom line ... I wouldn't bother. As you can see, I can't even bother spending more time to write something about it .... says it all, doesn't it.

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