
Sandra Brown - Chill Factor

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

ISBN:  978 - 1416593522

My rating: 2/5

In Chill Factor, Lilly Martin is stranded in her mountain cabin with Ben Tierney, a man suspected of being. . .you guessed it.
They're marooned during the worst blizzard of record (here's where the weather became a significant factor), without hope of a timely rescue, totally dependent on each other for their survival.
Tierney is a threat to Lilly on several levels. (I'll let you think about that for a while.) Even if she withstands the storm, even if she escapes Tierney, she may not survive her so-called rescuers. Among them are a tough FBI agent, the high school football coach whose personal life wouldn't hold up under close scrutiny, and Lilly's short-tempered ex-husband who is the local chief of police. All are desperate to reach her and Tierney. But not everyone is desperate to rescue them.

My thoughts

Okay – so I can’t say it was a complete waste of time, but in all fairness and honesty – boy, did that story drag along. The plot is actually quite interesting. Two strangers (well sort of) are stuck in a mountain cabin during a snow blizzard – that’s Lilly Martin and a very sexy Ben Tierney. Would be nice, wouldn’t it, however, Lilly becomes more and more worried, though not a hundred percent convinced that Ben is a killer.

The other characters are Lilly’s ex-husband, Dutch the police officer in town, Dutch’s friend, Wes, and his family, and two FBI agents amongst a few others.

So, yes, not even half way through the book I figured out who’s sleeping with who, as well as who the killer is. AND it wasn’t that I finished and thought “I had a feeling it was ....” nope I honestly knew. So the story dragged on even more to the point that I put the book down more often than actually picking it up to read again.

And there were a few issues I couldn’t understand and that frustrated me. Though more or less reasonably well explained at the end, I would’ve liked a bit of a hint earlier.

All in all .... not really my cup of tea.

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