
Lindsay Downs - Emily Dahill CID 2

Publisher: Astraea Press
ISBN: 9781621350538
My rating: 4/5
Tears- Bullied at school, Mary Todd is just about to give up when Dakota and Emily come to her rescue.

Friends and Family- Dakota helps a she-wolf and her cubs while he continues to cause mis-chief with hilarious results.

Guardian- Against all odds Dakota works to protect Emily, from her boyfriend and herself.

The Loser- Emily and Dakota step into intrigue when a soldier can’t hit the target with any degree of consistency.
My thoughts
Lindsay Downs does not disappoint. Emily Dahill CID 2 is just as an enjoyable read as CID 1 was.
Downs offers four interesting short story, which will draw the reader in from the very start. Again, I find it a shame, that each story is so short - they all would be great as longer ones. But you will love the way Downs handles each issue with the appropriate amount of attention to detail, great characters and humour.
I'm sure you will like these stories just as much as I did!
Don't forget to check out the interview with CID's four-legged-hero Dakota here.