
#Review for "Australian Sports Stars" #mustread #teamlimitless #bookboost


GENRE: ROMANCE—Love Will Find You by Iris Blobel
Ms. Blobel understands the essence of romance. At its heart a good romance has to be about the emotional connection between two people. Katie and Ty’s story is a poignant reminder that it is easy to fall in love, but building a relationship takes time, trust, and a willingness to open your heart. As a reader, I appreciate that there is much more to the story than sex. Yes the characters do steam up the sheets, but the scenes are tastefully done. The real story is about love’s rollercoaster ride, and it’s healing power. I won’t summarize the plot, nor belabor the point that this is a genre romance. In my humble opinion, reviews should tell you whether the book is worth reading, and this one is. Love Will Find You is the perfect book to take to the beach and read while soaking up the sun. I look forward to reading more of Ms. Blobel’s books.
This is the first book I read by author. I really enjoyed this book. I will have to read book 1 in this series. You can read this as a standalone
Book #3 of the Australian Sport Series - also the one I enjoyed the most :)
Their love story is not your regular "thrills" one - you know, the one with shivers top to bottom and bottom to top - at the first sight :) It's a beautiful story about the friendship, strong and true, turning slowly into some profound feelings. They do not realize it at first, then they do not want to realize that, finally they are too scared to admit it... :) But it gets them anyways :D

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