Chocolates and
Mike Lord

A concerted effort by the police in South Africa and England
have to determine who was the intended victim, and who placed the cyanide in
the chocolates, but the identities keep them mystified until they find who
purchased the chocolates, and who stole the cyanide. The activities of a string quartette throws
up several red herrings…
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About the Author:
Mike Lord has written three historical novels, three thrillers
and his autobiography, all of which have been self-published at Smashwords and
Amazon Kindle. Two of Mike’s books have
won prizes.
Under his pen name Adam Mann Mike has written over twenty
romance novels; ten of which have been published as ebooks by Blushing Books 1,
Phaze Books 4, eXtasy Books 1, and Global Publishing 4. Twelve have been self published at Smashwords
and Amazon Kindle, and he has several more drafted and complete in the
pipeline, and others currently with several publishers for consideration. 4 of
these have been revised for possible GPG publication.
Mike has 3 Twitter names - @Lordmaity, @adammannauthor and
@ButterflyBooks9 which he uses extensively to promote all his books. He has author pages at Smashwords, Facebook
and Amazon Kindle for both his legal name and his pen name.
Mike Lord operates a website for his six
books, averaging about 500 visitors per week, and as Adam Mann he has a website for all 28 books, including the six by Mike Lord, but
with a much higher weekly average of over 1,200 visitors.
Just Aziza was getting into bed she decided to open her
suitcase. The heavy duty plastic zip
fastener was easy, and the top folded back.
The brown paper parcel immediately attracted her, and she
didn’t really look at the other items on the top of the suitcase. She didn’t bother to read the name on the
label and just opened the brown paper parcel, only to find a box of milk
chocolates, not really wondering who would have given her such a present.
She just had to open the box, and cut the cellophane seal
around the edge with a knife from her kitchen.
She knew that the chocolates would be laid out nicely, but was surprised
to find one slightly larger than the others in the centre of the tray, almost
winking at her.
There was no foil wrapping just the chocolate with a design
on the top. She could not help herself
but picked it up and put it whole into her mouth.
As she bit into it the taste was a bit strange;
“Apples,” she thought, and then “almonds,” came to her mind.
She lay back on her bed to rest and enjoy the chocolate.
She was dead when they found her in the morning, with the
open box of chocolates sitting on the top of her unpacked open suitcase.
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