The FunnymanBy Sophia Whittemore

"I am almost a
king, Diana. My father would have to be dead for that to happen." I hung
my head, moving farther from him as I realized that we had been positioned far
too close for comfort. "I’m sorry for assuming. Losing him would be a
terrible thing." "Don’t feel bad. He hasn’t visited me since I was a
child." Isak turned back to the mirror, his lips so tight they were a
line, a dark crease forming between his pale brows. "It’s been so long
that even your great, great grandparents were nothing more than a vague idea
then." "Immortality sounds wonderful." I stopped myself when I
sensed the envy creeping into my words like a poison. "I’m sorry. I mean,
with your father…" "No, don’t wish to be immortal, Diana." Now
it was Isak’s turn to sound wistful. "Pray that death comes swifter, if
anything." Silence fell like a heavy pall over our shoulders, but then
Isak soldiered on. "And about my father, well…somebody has to fight off
Fear in the world of men. Somebody has to keep you humans from killing each
other, from hurting so much that you can’t feel any other wonderful
thing." "To laugh?" "To love, to live, to feel so much that
your world keeps spinning, faster and faster, in that wonderful, chaotic mess
of humanity that you’d so hastily give up. Immortality is overrated. It is
nothing but the ability to live through it all and not experience a single
thing, to eat everything without tasting it at all." Isak’s eyes shone
with a desperate need. He wanted, more than anything it seemed, to be like me,
when all I wanted was to be like him. "But it must be a great thing, to
walk on the stars." "It isn’t, not when shadows threaten you from
below. One misstep and we turn into the greatest monsters humanity has ever
seen." "What, like the shadows that attacked us?" I shuddered
when I thought of those writhing, clicking bodies, so ready to consume me, body
and soul, till I was nothing left but a beating heart. "No, those are just
byproducts of the real monsters, like famine, disease…" "Fear."
Isak’s eyes shifted over to mine quickly. "What did you say?"

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