
Snippet Sunday - FRESH BEGINNINGS 19/07/2015 #romance #amreading #Route66

We continue with Fresh Beginnings, Jared's story as he travels through five states
 in the US in a Motorhome. I used our itinerary from our US travels two years ago
 and wrote a romance story around in.
Jared has just arrived in the US.


But the RV drove right past her as well. With a heavy sigh she turned and grabbed the water bottle out of her bag, when, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the RV was pulling over in the distance. She tried to remind herself of the rules. The driver was not allowed to be creepy. Shouldn't be old. In theory shouldn't be a man… she sighed again. Yes, right. What would be her chances to get anywhere with that list?

She looked again and nothing was happening. Carefully, she walked towards the RV and noticed the passenger side window moving down.

On the tip of her toes, she looked in. "Hi there," she said hesitantly and, with all the strength she had, reminded herself that her feet were aching and the water was getting low as well.

"G'day!" A nice, booming voice came from over the other side.

She couldn't help but smile.


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I do appreciate each single one of them!
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  1. Her hitchhiking bothers me, but I hope he ends up being one of the good guys. Great scene. :)

    1. it's not safe, but she'll be in good hands soon. Thanks Jennifer.

  2. Still hitch hiking! She is lucky to have that many people in that area stopping for her. I remember my hitching crossing European borders that was fun.

    1. Thanks Linda ... those were the days one was able to hitchhike ;-)

  3. I like her pragmatic decision making. She's either a risk taker by choice or she's hitchhiking because she has to get somewhere and that's her only option. You've made her situation very believable. Great writing! (Excuse if this is a second comment. First one didn't seem to go through).

    1. Thank you Gem for your kind words. it mans a lot to me ... and all good re the commenting :-)

  4. And there he is! :D

    I was wondering how these two characters would meet up. Awesome, Iris! :)

    1. yeah ... thanks Sarah. Really appreciate your comment!

  5. I think she'll be all right now. :) Hopefully...

    Thanks for helping me out with the Thunderclap. Much appreciated. :)

    1. More than happy to help. good luck! And thanks for stopping by.

  6. I love the way her nervousness comes through as she reminds herself why she's hitchhiking (sore feet and low water). Great snippet.

  7. Ah ha, they meet! I'm with everyone else, the hitchhiking gives me the chills, but I do understand why your character doesn't have a lot of choices here. Totally invested in the story!

    1. Hitchhiking seemed to be so common years ago ... shame that everyone's so afraid of it now. thanks Veronica. Glad you like the story. it's one of my favourite.

  8. The hitchhiking scares me too, but it's a nice excerpt.

  9. I love how she sets herself rules that will probably be broken anyways. Besides, how many good people out there will stop for a hitchhiker anymore? It's all the creepy, red flag ones that stop. Risky thing, but when desperate...

    Love the way you're describing the scenes. Great snippet.

    1. Oh wow, thank you so much for your kind comment. I really appreciate it.

  10. It seems that some areas still frequent hitchhikers, scares me but sometimes the assistance that's needed is almost worth it (I actually hitchhiked once myself years ago in the Adirondacks, it was that or an encounter with a wild animal in the woods, lol)
    I love her determination to keep moving on. Bad enough her feet hurt but that she is low on water is enough to make her desperate. That booming G'day sounds so welcoming, especially in those circumstances. Great story, it's got my interest.

    1. I'm really glad you like the story. And I'm pleased to hear someone's hitchhiked at some stage. it used to be so common ... but yes, in your situation I would've taken the risk to ;-) Thank you Chelle!

  11. Good snippet. Having her run through her rules of the road was very effective.
